The McKinney-Vento Program of the Marshfield Schools’ highest priority is educational stability for vulnerable students who are homeless or in foster care. While this is their main focus, the program also seeks to help families feel embraced and supported by their community. The Mckinney-Vento Liaison works with students and their families, providing services to address these students’ academic, physical and social-emotional needs. The liaison also assists families with connecting to other supportive service agencies in the district. Students who are homeless are at greatest risk for school drop-out. By addressing their needs and providing opportunities for activities and peer interaction, they feel more connected to their community and are more likely to stay in school. Some of the needs addressed through the McKinney -Vento program include; clothing, food, medical, educational materials and after school/summer programming.
On occasion the liaison helps students and families attend community events, allowing for a connection that families who are facing economic hardship might rarely get to make. Other students might need a quiet space for completing assignments (such as the Boys and Girls Club), as their living situations might be chaotic; or an opportunity to play and build social skills paramount to their development. Donations made to support this 501c3 Fund help enhance the basic support provided by the yearly Federal grant. Goodwill Hunters hopes to bring awareness to the needs of this vulnerable group, as well as recognize and financially support the important work that the McKinney Vento Liaison does to assist these families in our community.
Contact Robynne Ryan Lambert, Marshfield Public Schools McKinney Vento liaison Project Reach Coordinator (781) 834-5000 x40124.